Exposed Fastener

exposed fastener IC72 Panel


IC72 Panels are a commercial grade product that can be used on open frame and closed frame buildings. This is a great choice for a building that has high demands for performance in load capacity and aesthetic looks.
exposed fastener 2.5 corrugated

2.5” Corrugated

2.5″ Corrugated provides the obvious choice for post-frame buildings including horse barns, riding arenas, machinery storage, shoafing sheds and most other agricultural buildings. This is a great economical choice that will provide a beautiful look to the building that it is covering.
exposed fastener 1.25 corrugated

1.25" Corrugated

1.25″ corrugated panels are used for post frame buildings and are a great choice for agricultural purposes. They are the most efficient and economical choice for most low-rise building applications.
exposed fastener pro panel 2

Pro-Panel II

Pro-Panel II® is a low-profile roofing and wall panel.
exposed fastener prb panel


PBR panels are versatile panels. They are used in various applications due to the low profile this panel provides.

Trim Packages Available.